
There’s NEVER been a country or concept like America’s foundation in the history of the world!
Wrap your mind around this with me:
Our foundational freedoms are so incredibly strong, that they have permeated and helped form much of the modern world. Sure, you see them more in euphemisms of their original intent, but you still see the influence. Many modern governments want to at least look like they care about the ideals we actually have.
In 1776, when the founders risked their lives to declare their independence of the crown of England – the most powerful military kingdom on earth – the world looked a lot differently than it does today.
This is immensely important to understand. We see the world today and judge the world today by our own experiences, and possibly limited view of history. If we haven’t lived it, it’s hard to concieve of what the world looked and felt like back then. I fully intend to expand on this idea in the future for us but for now, a quick peak:
Before America was founded, the world was filled with monarchs, tyrants, and tyrant-monarchs. It was tribal in many areas, and those tribes warred constantly with each other. Slavery was alive and well in ALL parts of the world (not just some parts like today), and most leaders ruled by FORCE – whether that was seizing money, seizing labor, seizing power…take, take, take, and hardly any give. Freedom for the people was in concept only, and then only in whispered corners and hushed tones, lest a spy would hear your treasonous thoughts and throw you in jail for an indefinite time. Most people weren’t even free to speak about universal freedom, let alone act on it.
The world was in chains; Some literally, some figuratively. But all of us without our God given birth rights.
Then came the few who acted on their ideals, though it could have, and in many cases did, mean their lives. Because of this, even the rest of the world has more freedom & HOPE in it now, due to the brave & selfless acts of these few. The world looks a lot differently today than it would have if each of these people had not dared greatly. Even though there are still millions without their freedom around the world, they look at us and they have hope. They know it can be done. They are moving.
We are the lighthouse shining the path to freedom for our nation and the entire world. We owe it to all to keep it alive with every small act we can. We are HOPE.
Educate yourself! Be inspired! Be United!
Be hopeful. Again, America was founded by only a FEW good men (and women!) who ACTED on the ideals they held in their hearts.
They took on an entire empire – the strongest military in the world…
And won! The magnitude of this is unbelievable!
They didn’t win a throne. They won YOUR FREEDOM. With this, they created the most unique governance in the world. They created a country, an island of freedom, surrounded by seas of monarchs & tyrants on all sides.
This little crew. These rebels with a cause.
I’m spending this day reflecting and studying more about our founding, the world at the time (brutal!), and what we can do to continue the work so their sacrifices and ours may live on for generations to come!
This is the kind of content you can expect more of in the near future. The time is now to spread the truth, to spread the passion, to spread the ideals our country was built upon.
I continue to plan and take action. I hope you do too. Are you with me?? 💪
🇺🇸🇺🇸 Happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Stay Sharp! – Kirsten
Remember, if you enjoyed this please share with others on social media, email, and beyond. Be sure to comment below for the community to find, I read all of them.
I first saw you on Gunny”s Show and was amazed at your shooting skills! I am with you 100% with your new site. I never knew you were so intelligent, you are right on with your views on our Freedom. I look forward to seeing you on your site, so many don’t have the guts to do what you do in the world the way it’s been lately. GOD Bless You Kirsten, Stay Safe!
Thanks Tom, that means a lot to me!
In the mid 1700s, Edmund Burke said, “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” He also said, “Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality.”
When you look at the history of Israel after they rejected God as their king, they wanted to have a man to rule over them instead of God. From 1,050 B.C. to 586 B.C. (as described in 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, and 1st and 2 Chronicles), there were a total of 42 kings, 8 of which were good and the remaining 34 were evil. So 19% were good the other 81% were evil. When our Founding Fathers, who were both Biblically and historically literate, recognized that if we were going to be ruled by man, then we needed a way to protect Liberty and Freedom; the first by Freedom of Religion and Speech and the second by the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
President John Adams was correct when he said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Thank You Kirsten for all that you do; for you truly are a modern-day American Hero!
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Hence the attack on our religion from those who want to undermine our constitution. Those inalienable rights and our constitution are arguably moot once God is removed from our society. How can we be given rights by something that is no longer part of our lives? We must remain conscious of these threats and continue to defend our freedom and rights guaranteed us by our constitution.
We are blessed to live in a country where we can worship God as we choose.
We can walk, sail, drive, fly where we choose.(except no fly zones)
We can work & live where we want, associate with whom we want,
engage in personal interest & hobbies, (“pursuit of happiness” within the law of course)
say what we think, and have the right to protect ourselves, family and property.
Don’t forget to thank and pray for those who serve and have sacrificed for our freedoms.
Great post Kirsten.
Imo you’re leaving many important subjects out of the picture; freedom?, freedom for whom?, are the blacks included there?, the poor?, what about the poor?, and how about the american natives?, what about the gay pleople?, and the women…!?. You’re forgetting the Opearation Paperclip and many others; if you only read the pretty pages of a book and leave out the uggly pages… it’s like not read the book at all, you’ve to read it all to get the entire picture and then decide if the book is good or not. I think the US it’s a great country, not because it’s landscapes but because it’s people, but like any other place it’s very far away from freedom; the world, the people… have a lot to improve before get close to the freedom.
With respect, it’s clear this post is about America’s founding principles, not its perfect practice of them. Remember, “For all Mankind” includes ALL people. Mankind is capitalized, and the use means for all people. Hence. Human Rights. Covered.
All the subjects you mention are up to we the people to enact and fight for *using the foundational freedoms set in place by the constitution, bill of rights, and other founding documents*. We have used these principles to gain freedom for many people through the years, and we continue to do so. We certainly have our work cut out for us, and the foundation allows us to build upon it. That’s why it’s worth protedcting. However, if perfection is what a person seeks before acting or believing – only heaven is enough.
I see the problem of limiting freedom is not our documents, it is the people. The people of the times are the ones that limited the freedom we ALL have been granted by almighty God. Freedom granted by man can be changed and taken away. Freedom granted by God cannot be taken. That line in the Declaration of Independence set the tone for all the documents that followed. If you read the Constitution the way it was written , the Constitution was written to tie the hands of GOVERNMENT, not the people. It told the fed how to keep from infringing in our lives. The founding fathers were writing these documents at a time a tyrant across the sea was trying to exercise his control . They did not want that to happen here. We are blessed to live here and have more freedom than anyone else on the planet Earth.
I think you are misunderstanding the word freedom. It does not produce equality and, perhaps more importantly, it is not about groups. Freedom means freedom of the individual. No group can ever be more important than any given individual. So it is of no relevance to freedom whether blacks, poor, natives, gays, women or any other group have equality, only that individuals are not limited because of some irrelevant characteristic.
The term “Equal Rights” has been warped and played with, so I understand your perspective. When I say “equal rights for all” I mean what the founders intended as in “all Men created equal”. That no matter who you are, all mankind is created equal at birth, born with inalienable rights that can not be given by any government, only either protected or infringed upon. Those rights are not the right to equal bank accounts, or equal medals at the basketball game, haha. Those rights are about inherent birth rights, some of which are laid out by the American Bill of Rights.
Very inspiring Kirsten I enjoyed reading this, even though there were no pictures or pop ups lol. This nation has strayed away from what the founding fathers have worked so hard for to create. We need to realize what we have become then get back to our roots and stay humble. We were a nation blessed by GOD and we CAN get back to that point.
I’m with you all the way. Thank you for being at the forefront of keeping the legacy of the heroes that lit the beacon of freedom alive. It’s an honor to stand with you in this noble task, I only hope that we’re able to give you the support you deserve.
It’s good to have you, and people like you, beside me. E Pluribus Unum 😉
Very good! You give me hope. If you haven’t watched the president’s gathering at Mt Rushmore, you really should. Fox news has full coverage. His speech and the fireworks are the highlights, but the whole event is worth watching.
It was fantastic. I watched it in long form. The only way to get the real news these days hehe. Very inspiring
I had friends there 4 rows away from the President. At the rally a couple years ago in Indiana, I was about 100 ft away. I have worked with 2 white houses and would love to work with this one!
Who else reads this in their mind with a KJW voice? Points well taken, the colonists that rose up about 1/3rd were active in working to create an independent nation. The movement grew and the media of the time were active getting the atrocities known to all the people. We were a few battles away from loss in the beginning and finally when the French came in and trained our men and blockaded the harbors, England had no choice but to withdraw. England did not really respect our sovereignty until the war of 1812.
Great article Kirsten! I am with you! God please keep blessing these United States of America, the greatest country in the world!
Kirsten, you are absolutely right. My background is History and I actually taught It in my first career, some decades ago. I have never stopped being a student of History. I apply the principles my College Prof instilled in us, to learn from history and apply it.
She was an FDR Democrat. She didn’t care if we were Dem or Republican or whatever. She just wanted us to learn History and to learn from it and understand why things happened. She wanted us to learn to avoid mistakes others before us have made. Her teaching has served me well.
You were correct on comments about the people alive in 1776 had totally different perspectives because their lives were different. Trying to apply today’s principles to someone 244 years ago will always “mean” the ancestors were “wrong”. But just judging by today’s perspective does not solve snythkng. All this achieves is erasing all history because nothing can “measure up” to today’s standards as pushed by those demanding change. There’s no desire to understand what has happened, why and how we can make things better.withiut all steps, because we are fallible, we will make the same mistakes of our ancestors and will solve nothing.
Now, what would have happened if these 56 men did not take the steps toward Independence? Or what would have happened to the colonies if they failed? I guarantee King George would have been even more of a tyrant. It’s likely there would not have been a country from “sea to shining sea” as the French may have settled their lands and prevented Western expansion. The Spanish and Mexicans would likely have expanded North. In other words, the colonies, if they ever got Independence would likely have been confined to East of the Mississippi. In fact, it’s possible Canada and the.colonies may have become a single Country. There would not have been the mass migration to our Nation with the many rich cultures that have aided American thought.
There would not be the freedoms we hold dear. Nor a nation to push back at Germany twice or Japan and the Soviet Union and China. Europe would be dominated by Germany and it’s likely Germany would never have attacked Stalin and Europe would be divided up between those two. Their expansion plans likely would have succeeded. Japan would have defeated China and controlled Asia. Democracy would not be around the world as it is today.
There would not have been many of the advancements we take for granted today. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Those protesting this summer would likely be in jail because they would not have that right. Control of the country would be in the State. Nobody anywhere would have rights. North America and the World would be drastically different if those 56 men and those who followed them had not acted and been successful. This is only a possibility but I guarantee the world would look much different geographically, politically and I’m advancements. But they don’t teach this in high schools or college now. Sad.
Thank you for sharing this. YES! It’s an important perspective to have. Just American inventions alone, made from many different influences and people groups, are incredible achievements to the world. Of course not the only country to make advancements, but the freedom has allowed us to flourish and collaborate with relative ease. We may not even have had electricity, for example, if those 56 men hadn’t done what they did. Probably not the automobile either. It’s wild to ponder it.
I am proud of you Kirsten. In this day, it brings joy to a heart to see someone of the younger generation that understands what freedom actually looks like. Our forefathers had to become criminals against a crown to see their vision of freedom, true freedom for the individual. I stand with you proudly and with a strong voice and say Thank God, I live in this wonderfully diverse, rich in potential country I call my home. God bless America, and God bless you!!!
Thank you! God bless you too. Glad you are part of this!
We live in a post COVID zombie apocalypse society that is now divided. Some want to erase history by destroying most every monument while others want to incite fear and intimidation through the use of peaceful protest that often escalates into something more threatening. Guns and ammo are sold out in most locations as tensions escalate. Let’s take 2 knees and pray the madness subsides and our nation can reunite. Happy 4th of July.
Great article Kirsten. So true.
One Nation, Under God.
With liberty and justice for all.
kirsten u r the best
If you want to know more about the state of other countries, the oppressive state they groaned under, and the incredible lengths taken to gain freedom, I recommend the Revolutions podcast by Mike Duncan. It becomes very clear that not only was American unique in the principles that guided our revolution, but also ours was the only one to produce a relatively stable government and society. This is a shining city on a hill!
Also with you!
Very well said Kirsten. Amazing pic. You are a inspiration. And a great example. Keep up the great work you’re doing. Happy 4th of July.
Thank you for such a nice well-constructed message with lots of info.
Thank you for your commitment to our country and heritage. I look forward to following you here. Happy Independence Day and we can only hope and work for many more.
Glad to have you here!
Excellent! I totally agree. Too many people take the USA for granted. I wish I could ship them to some countries I’ve been to so they can get why we’re so great.
Isn’t that the truth? Not in a prideful way, in a thankful way: many countries I have been to yearn for the kind of freedom we have. If we go down, where else is there? No other country on earth is like this. There are many movements around the globe happening today, inspired by our ideals. The MSM won’t cover them, but they are moving. What a time to be alive!
God bless America, but He will only bless our nation if we turn from our wicked ways. Excellent word, Kirsten!
Thank you Kirsten, nicely done! As a descendant of Founding Father Rodger Sherman, as well as Civil war hero William Tecumseh Sherman, it hurts my soul to see what is taking place in America with Marxism being pushed by the Leftist Democrat party.
I will not sit idly by and allow it!! I’d rather die on my feet than to live on my knees, and I will never give up my guns!!
Wow! Make your ancestors proud 🙂
Thank you Kirsten, nicely done! As a of Founding Father Rodger Sherman, as well as Civil war hero William Tecumseh Sherman, it hurts my soul to see what is taking place in America with Marxism being pushed by the Leftist Democrat party.
I will not sit idly by and allow it!! I’d rather die on my feet than to live on my knees, and I will never give up my guns!!
Kirsten, as always poignant and right on point. This country still offers so many things that others don’t. Sometimes we stumble but there is at least the opportunity to right the ship. Something that would never exist under those other forms of government. Happy Independence Day
We are approaching a crossroads, and if we don’t reinstill our founding principles in our children, we are not going to continue to enjoy our freedoms and liberties.
Oh where do I start? Kirsten you’ve done your homework and summarized our history very nicely. I’m proud to know a young woman who does the research and states her mind clearly. I’m with you, you make your family proud. God bless you always!
Thank you. God bless you too 😉
On October 25th, 1968 I raised my right hand and spoke an Oath to defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That oath has never, and will never, expire. I took up arms in defense of my country in 1968, and although I am not in the best shape of my life, I am prepared to do it again, in 2020.
Today, our foreign enemies are plainly able to be seen…China, Russia, North Korea, Iran.
Our domestic enemies are more difficult to identity, with the exception of a few, who are intent on making themselves known…Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, CAIR, and various White Supremacist Groups.
Make no mistake however, the aims of each of these groups is to destroy the United States of America, by any means necessary, so they can impose their ideology on the citizens of the United States…or whatever we will become, under their ideology.
Too many Americans are becoming as sheep. I call these people Sheeple. I will not become a sheeple. I choose to remain a free man, with all of my GOD Given, NOT “Government allowed,” rights in tact. I hope you will too.
Well said. The goal is to eat America from the inside. Keep the shell, but change the foundation and insides so that it may be easily controlled. We are too great to destroy fully, they want the power we the people have. Our enemies may be in disguise, but their corruption shows eventually. Stay sharp
Agreed, as of late, hordes of current day ‘separatists’ openly distinguish themselves
from the American population loyal to the Constitution, the blueprint that depicted
how this country must sustain freedom and unity.
This is expressed via destruction of public statuary, frequently violent protest against
police, looting and arson, that those trusted to serve and protect turn a blind eye to
blatant violation of the law, destruction of public property, unlawful congregation
in the midst of a threat to public health, a full blown pandemic yet!
Government and politicians are setting a fatal precedent allowing bias hate group
mentality sway law enforcement and elected officials reaction to such uprising.
Displaying but a fraction of today’s disobedience produced lethal consequences
at Kent State in 1970, bias, weakness or Liberal influence?
Maybe an outside the box projection, but it may very well come to pass that WE are
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state…”
Very reassuring to see a young adult that respects and supports the original
founding fathers of America’s ideals, the disrespect sports figures and entertainers
display towards Government and the Flag cannot continue the climbing curve of influence they have over young people, the road to ruin……
WOW. Great words and beautifully written
Something ironic is when President Trump went to see the queen just a few months ago and they played The Star spangled banner. I thought it was interesting and wondering if they actually thought about it 😉 ???
The scary thing then it looks like we’re going to have another civil war around the 2020 elections. You stay sharp also my beautiful friend.
Happy Independence day!
Great article Kirsten. I fully agree with you. Also, Epic pic. Keep up your great work.
What great inspiration Kirsten. I too believe imperialism, or something worse, would still be spread throughout this planet without us leading the way. I’m with you.
Nicely Said – Happy 4th of July
I am with you!
Great writing for today and every day. I’ve been meaning to mention that my Joy of Shooting tee gets a lot of inquiries. I enjoy explaining to people what it’s all about. Happy 4th. Be safe.
Amen. I am a WW II Vet and I am tired so seeing so many wimps.