Joy, you make shooting fun. Keep it up. By showing people, especially young people who have not shot a gun before, how much fun a person can have sending lead down range you will transform many non-shooters into people who understand guns and enjoy the sport.
Thanks for being helpful on hooting tip
MY question is on one day i get a 0.25 group and the next week i get a 1.33 inch group same load same bullet? OH buy the way my grand children love shooting the paint art .They have it hanging on there wall we shoot 2 time a week at my farm and reload the rest of the time
Enjoy all you hard work and how are your eyes doing
Who needs SpaceX when you have KIRSTEN JOY WEISS?!? =P =) My wife and I both adore you and your skillz (and probably….maybe….well, most definitely much more to say on that but not here?…XD ). You are a great inspiration in many ways, keeping the art of shooting fun and engaging, and we’re more than happy to support you, especially putting out such an awesome calendar! Well done! Much love, and thank you so much for your gift to the world! Xoxoxo <3
That not a bad idea. At least some of it! It’s been an interesting journey so far, traveling & living in far flung places, Olympic style shooting & competing all over the world, crazy shots, world records, etc… obviously now this main mission of sharing the Joy of Shooting… Im not even sure where to begin really. I didn’t emphasize any of this initially because I wanted people to focus on the FUN & JOY of shooting, and not feel like they had to have all these other credentials in order to have fun 🙂
any news on 2025 calender ??
Releasing to members today/tomorrow at, then the wider audience soon! 🙂
Joy, you make shooting fun. Keep it up. By showing people, especially young people who have not shot a gun before, how much fun a person can have sending lead down range you will transform many non-shooters into people who understand guns and enjoy the sport.
Thanks for being helpful on hooting tip
MY question is on one day i get a 0.25 group and the next week i get a 1.33 inch group same load same bullet? OH buy the way my grand children love shooting the paint art .They have it hanging on there wall we shoot 2 time a week at my farm and reload the rest of the time
Enjoy all you hard work and how are your eyes doing
Who needs SpaceX when you have KIRSTEN JOY WEISS?!? =P =) My wife and I both adore you and your skillz (and probably….maybe….well, most definitely much more to say on that but not here?…XD ). You are a great inspiration in many ways, keeping the art of shooting fun and engaging, and we’re more than happy to support you, especially putting out such an awesome calendar! Well done! Much love, and thank you so much for your gift to the world! Xoxoxo <3
Well that is wonderful to hear, thank you!I’m honored to have good people like you & your wife a part of this! 🙂
Why don’t put your autobiography on video? I think your story is interesting, and I really hope you do. Thank for everything your doing.
That not a bad idea. At least some of it! It’s been an interesting journey so far, traveling & living in far flung places, Olympic style shooting & competing all over the world, crazy shots, world records, etc… obviously now this main mission of sharing the Joy of Shooting… Im not even sure where to begin really. I didn’t emphasize any of this initially because I wanted people to focus on the FUN & JOY of shooting, and not feel like they had to have all these other credentials in order to have fun 🙂
Jesus Christ
Bless, faith, peace, hope, mercy,joy,
Nice love pouring
Folks, this isn’t your average calendar. The paper is thick and the color quality is vibrant!
Every single year these calendars get better and better.
Thanks for all your efforts, Kirsten!
I look forward to this every year!
Are you single? My son could sure benefit from a wife like you. He was a combat medic to boot, so any range accidents would be under control.
Beautiful photos!
Thanks for all you do!!
Great calendar. Terrific job!
Are the date boxes big enough to write small notes into?
Yes! They are same size or slightly larger than average calendar boxes
Thank you for doing these! I appreciate it.